OdinSQL is the programming blog of Benjamin Knigge. I’ve worked professionally in software development since 1997 and wanted some place to write some of my thoughts and ideas while at the same time hopefully contributing a bit to the collective knowledge that is available on the internet. Since I’ve worked as a freelance contractor since 2001 it also could be of some benefit if more people were aware of me and the work that I’m capable of. The idea for the domain name came about while on a trip around the United States. We stopped in to visit my aunt in Nevada City, California and while at lunch our waiter commented on how I looked the Thor’s father Odin in a recent comic book inspired film. About a month later my wife and I were trying to think up a domain name that I could use for a blog to promote my primarily Microsoft SQL Server database work. After several failed attempts and finding a dot-com domain name containing “SQL” I asked my Russian speaking wife how to say the number one in Russian. She replied back with “a-deen”. That must have sparked a memory deep in the back of my brain about Odin. After briefly reading a bit of the Odin mythology I decided that the name Odin would meet my criteria for a domain name. It was short, had a positive cognition, and the domain name was available.
I’m currently spending a significant amount of time working on a server monitoring project called monithor.io.